Panjabi Haat

Wednesday 28 October 2015


Remembering God
Wherever God is remembered night and day, such a blessed atmosphere will be created that healing occurs automatically. However, the greatest healing comes from looking to see what lies within ourselves. We all have a wonderful power within us. Whether we are poor or rich, sinner or saint, we all have Light within us. The greatest truth that comes from going deep inside our self is that we recognize that Power which lies within us as Light. 

When we are in love with God, kindness and love and the desire to serve others will develop within us. When our mind is healed, our thoughts will become very pure and holy, and our body will also be very happy.

By contrast: fear, hatred, anger, and egotism have very negative effects on the body. This is our greatest ailment—that we have fear, hatred, ego, and anger within us. Whenever we are under the influence of anger, every part of our body trembles. When we are afraid, fear weakens our mind and also our body. The disease of nervousness, of worry, afflicts ninety percent of people. If this affliction is eradicated from the mind, all physical diseases will also end.

We may try to heal our body with the help of herbs, or allopathic medicine, or homoeopathy. But who will heal our thoughts? The body may of course be healed and the ailment eliminated. But it is our thoughts that irritate us.

Healing Mind
Throughout the world, people are trying to find comfort by every means possible, be it yoga or medicine or acquiring big cars and big houses. Despite all this, people are not happy. We should instead transform our mind, our thoughts. When we heal our mind, disease will have little chance to enter our body, and negative thoughts will not have the opportunity to pollute our mind.

Humans are the most poisonous of all creatures. When we become angry and commit a crime, a wave of poison spreads through the atmosphere. If we purify our thoughts, if we make them loving, serving, and compassionate, I think the environment of the whole world will be cleansed.

When our thoughts are poisoning us, how will worldly medicine help us? If we could achieve pleasure through medicine, then those rulers with very learned doctors would be supremely happy. But both the rulers and the doctors are unhappy.

The medicine for our thoughts is not worldly medicine. We can get it only from meditation. When we turn within and meet God, we will all be healed. God will heal our inner sickness and our outer sickness as well.

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